On February 6 2025, we explore physical locality of sound as a compositional tool. Sound recorded on tape has a physical place in the world, it can be traced, held and retraced. But place can also be regarded as a way of creating sound through field recordings, being in dialogue with the environment, or in the proximity of a community that inspires collaboration and experiment.
February 6, 15:00-17:00
Free entrance
Register via Eventbrite
For this studio symposium we’ve invited Nic Collins and Peter Todd for a special performance of Stuart Marshall’s Ayton Basement from 1976, using two portable Uher tape recorders and a range of percussive instruments. The piece was first performed at Ayton Basement, a legendary artist-run performance space in Newcastle Upon Tyne. In 2019, Peter Todd and Nicolas Collins reconstructed the performance from memory. Following the performance, we will host a panel talk on the physical domain as an incentive to sound in relation to artist-run spaces.
We open the symposium at 15:00 with a group performance of Stuart Marshall’s Ideophonics in the parking lot, performed by conservatory students following instructions by Nic Collins and Peter Todd.
15:00 group performance of a version of Stuart Marshalls Ideophonics in the parking lot
15:30 talk by Nic Collins & Peter Todd: recollection of Ayton Basement as a place and a piece
16:00 performance of Ayton Basement
16:15 performance by Het Concreet
16:30 panel talk with Peter Todd, Nic Collins & Het Concreet
17:00 end program, drinks until 18:00
The main language will be English
Mathijn den Duijf
Artistic director
Mathijs Leeuwis
Artistic director
Anneroos Goosen
Business director
Janine Hendriks (Kaftwerk) created the visuals for this website
Webdesign by Remco van Dun