Live compositional marathon at Het Concreet
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Tilburg Concrète is a compositional marathon: a 24-hour project that brings together 24 musicians on a 24-track audio tape – one every hour. Friday May 27, 8:00 PM through Saturday May 28, 8:00 PM, Mathijs Leeuwis and Mathijn den Duijf will be locked up in their studio space Het Concreet.
Once every hour, they open their doors for a musician who will join in the making of an improvised composition, which can be followed via live YouTube stream. After 24 hours, they share the result: a completely improvised piece of music that has formed in front of the viewer in 24 hours.
Tilburg Concrète is a musical echo of the city of Tilburg. The starting point of the composition is a soundscape that captures the sounds of the city. Every hour adds a new layer to the composition as each musician reacts to the music. Participating in the compositional marathon: Aart Strootman, Jacqueline Hamelink, Daniel Cross, Aura Bouw, Marlon Penn, Julian Edwardes, Reggy van Bakel, Bart de Vrees, Jeroen van Vliet, Jornt Duyx, Claire Adams, Orkun Agir, Eveline Vervliet, Theo Decloedt, VONK, Eduardo Gaspard Polo Baader, Piet-Jan van Rossum, Fieke van den Hurk, Nuno Silva, Poulson Sq, Mathijs Leeuwis and Mathijn den Duijf.
The initiative behind Tilburg Concrète comes from city composer Mathijs Leeuwis: "A marathon is such an insanely big idea that we can never foresee what it will bring us. I love that unpredictability. Tilburg Concrète brings together all the elements that I usually work with: together with others, in a pressure cooker, reacting to sounds that are already there." The complete compositional marathon can be followed via a live stream on the social media channels of De Link and Het Concreet. The livestream takes you inside the studio, where Tom Sanderman and Remy Alexander give a live update every hour with the podcast Oorwarmers (in dutch).
Tilburg Concrete is the idea of Mathijs Leeuwis. In 2021-2022 Mathijs Leeuwis will be Tilburg's city composer, commissioned by concert organization De Link. Tilburg Concrète is located at Het Concreet, experimental lab space for analog ambitions, and the long-term project of Mathijn den Duijf and Mathijs Leeuwis. Het Concreet connects yesterday's technology with today's makers. In the studio of Het Concreet, analog sound techniques find their way to the present.
Tilburg Concrete is organized by De Link and Het Concreet and is made possible with support of the Municipality of Tilburg, the Province of Noord-Brabant and Dock Zuid.
Mathijn den Duijf
Artistic director
Mathijs Leeuwis
Artistic director
Anneroos Goosen
Business director
Janine Hendriks (Kaftwerk) created the visuals for this website
Webdesign by Remco van Dun